Now Just A Cotton-Pickin' Dadburned Minute Of Your Time!

I find it hilarious that from time to time, comic book publishers and cartoon maker would "run" their characters for President of the United States. It was good and proper satire. A great entertainment that still has potency today. Politics can be at times very unsavory, and satire drops some sunshine into it.

But that said, anyone who has ever written in the name of a cartoon character for President of the United States is a fool. If you've done it, don't get mad. I'm a fool too. I've never done that, but I've thought about it, and that's pretty damn close. Sometimes the options seem limited, and we throw up our hands and say fuck it, I'll just cast my vote to the wind. And that's the foolish part. 

I live in what they call a "Red State". In America that means the folks in my state reliably vote Republican election after election after election after election. They don't realize if they'd change it up a bit, they might get some more leverage over the politicians who increasingly take them for granted. I could vote for "Huckleberry Hound" and it would not affect the outcome of any national race. But what does that say about me?

It says I've given up on the process. Democracy is just too hard or boring or whatever for me to take it seriously. Instead of casting my vote to the wind, I prefer to spit in the eye of the political overlords who don't care about me and vote for a real candidate. My vote says, you might get a majority of us, but you'll never get us all. And that's something politicians need to hear on the regular. 

Rip Off 


  1. I was listening to the news on BBC radio a few days ago and they reported that the governor of Kentucky was a possible contender for running-mate on the Democratic ticket. This was a surprise to me because I didn't know a Democrat was governor of Kentucky. I assume you voted for him so are you happy with him? It's strange that people in Kentucky will vote for a Democrat to be governor but not president.

    1. The cognitive dissonance some folks have in these matters is truly bewildering. The Kentucky Governor is well liked because of his strong response to Covid which was at the time at odds with the national response. So folks praise both at the same time -- it's insane sometimes. He's not going to be the running mate I suspect because he can't turn the state for Harris. But he will in the future be a strong candidate for national office. I suspect he's going to take Mitch McConnel's seat when the time comes.


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