The Good, The Bad, And The Elderly!
Now that Joe Biden has left the Presidential race, Donald Trump becomes the oldest man to seek the office. Why don't the slings and arrows begin to strike as diligently as they did Biden? The double standard which has stood in politics for some time rears its ugly head again. Democrats are held to a higher standard than Republicans, both by media and the public.
This double standard has allowed a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, convicted fraudster and general overall creep to seek the highest office in the land. His outlandish statements and racist rants shoved aside because that's just what we've come to expect from the likes of him. His cronies and sycophants mimic his disgraceful behavior, and they too seem to get a pass. Now the media which harassed Biden endlessly about his age is as usual mum about this new reality.
How are we as people supposed to maintain a civil order, a society respecting all its members, when our watchdogs, the "Fourth Estate" mishandle their responsibility so profoundly. When they act like children who are convinced that the parent who makes them go to school, do their homework, and be responsible is the bad parent and the one who endlessly entertains them is the good one. When I see a fifteen- minute interview with Sweet Potato Hitler in which he's asked no other question other than why he has the audacity to run for President at his age, I'll have a glimmer of hope that the media get it.
They won't. I don't. And we soldier one.
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