Cooler Heads!

Let me begin by saying that Joe Biden is a man I admire, both for the way he lives his life and the way he has served his nation over the many decades. Politics in America has become an increasingly dirty and downright dangerous affair, and I have no scales on my eyes about what might have had to be done under his leadership. He is not a perfect man by any means, nor is he a perfect President, but his fundamental goodness is evident, if only one is willing to see it. He is not an angel. But the other side offers us a demon. 

Now Joe has withdrawn and has thrown his support to Vice President Kamala Harris. If this choice had to be made then, this is the only really acceptable way in my mind.  I have endorsed her candidacy officially. My fury at the Democratic Party for abandoning the President has cooled, though the facts of the betrayal seem all too evident. Politics is hardball and Joe has been a player long enough to understand the game. In my loyalty to Joe, I pledged to leave the Party if they shoved him aside. They did. I'm not. Here's why. 

To leave the Party now is to send the message that a black woman is an unacceptable candidate to me. That is hardly the case. I applaud that choice and will vote for her and her running mate at the earliest opportunity. When I cast that vote, I will wish I had one last chance to vote for Joe Biden, but I'll take solace in that I'm voting for his choice for President. I'm staying a Democrat, because that's what I think Joe Biden would want me to do. I won't abandon Joe. 

Rip Off


  1. This week has been a huge missed opportunity in my opinion. Biden could have resigned the presidency and let Kamala Harris take over. I really believe that seeing an actual woman POTUS in the Oval Office would have a big psychological effect as it would mean a woman president was no longer just a possibility but an actual FACT which would galvanise progressive voters and especially women voters. Biden says American democracy is in great danger so he should be doing everything humanly possible to save it and desperate times call for bold action!

    1. You make a good argument. I daresay he's taken bold action. But it's asking a lot of a sitting President to not only step away from seeking a second term, but to resign his last few months as well. Kamala is free to campaign non-stop in the next three months, without the worry of doing the job. Speaking from this side, Progressive voters are plenty jazzed.

      A counterargument might be that actually seeing a black woman in the office would energize the racist loons as well. They believe in their malignant God-King, who himself was a reaction to a sitting black president. That knife cuts both ways. It also would have made her unelected and that's a problem that haunted Gerald Ford in the 70's.


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