Today is a momentous day, a day when Americans stand up to the autocrats who have sent out their goblins to undermine our democracy. In support of the war veterans who have served this nation, it is a small thing to ask that they be treated with dignity after their hitch is up. It is a promise, one broken by this administration in its manic effort to claw back enough money to shill out to the billionaires who are funding too much of our politics today. But on this day, the people will march with and in support of those brave soldiers who just ask for dignity. They are not just cannon fodder as the rich and powerful believe. They are men and women who have shown they know how to fight. 

My health will not let me be there, even a year ago it would have been different. But I want to send out the clarion call as best I can from my little nook of the internet. If you can take part, if you can't remember those who braved everything in service of an ideal which the people who just see money will never understand for all their bleating. 

Tomorrow, the protest pays a visit to Fox News. 

Rip Off


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