America faces the crisis it does because much of its media, the loudly touted "Fourth Estate", the watchdog which is supposed to keep a close eye on the workings of government and crime and where they intersect, has gone silent in this crucial moment. A few voices still ring, but not with the bluster that could be mustered for something this critical. FOX News is the primary culprit, an outfit built to mislead a people who have been put under steadily increasing strain for decades. The faces and voices at FOX who have touted the current administration are villains pure and simple, and deserve a villain's fate.
Today the march moves to the very front door of those who seek to obscure the truth of what is happening. I do not advocate for it, but I have to admit I'd enjoy seeing the FOX offices getting treated to a "guided tour" not unlike that which was meted out to Congress some years ago when a certain felon couldn't accept the truth of his loss. Report that.
Tomorrow the planners of the crime get a visit when the march moves to the Heritage Foundation.
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