When Women Rule The Earth!

One can feel it, like the cliched hairs on the back of the neck, there is a palpable desire for change. It is only due to the now archaic nature of the democratic process of the United States that our federal races are so close. Democrats have won the popular vote in all but one Presidential election this century despite only winning the office half the time. There are more Democrats than Republicans in the United States and the expanse between the two parties only grows. The current totals are around forty-eight million Democrats with only thirty-five million Republicans and nearly as many Independents. So, it perhaps should come as no surprise that the energy of the Democratic National Convention is a wonder to behold.

The Democratic Convention is like its counterpart a vehicle from an olden time to pick federal officers. It's not really necessary anymore, but it has found a new purpose and that is to showcase the desire and the capability of the Party to bring about change. People want to move on from the endless bickering which has plagued us. Despite nearly four years of a rock-steady administration under Joe Biden, the current race reminds all of us how it once was only a few years ago, when a blustering and bitter madman had the reins of power in his tiny hands. But the blockbuster show that is the Democratic Convention for all its corniness says that we want and need more. And further that we deserve better. 

Despite this discrepancy in energy the race still appears close, at least in terms of the numbers. But I don't see that staying that way. I want the Harris & Walz team to open up an ever-increasing lead right up to election day, and I want them to win with such a prodigious mandate that the Republicans will fold their tents and ignore the ravings of their crackpot leader who will inevitably cry foul. This victory should be a resounding one. By the numbers that would be already the case, but we live in ancient times still. When a black woman named Kamela leads the most powerful nation on the planet, we will take an important step toward the future, and we all be safer in our beds. 

Rip Off 


  1. The Democrats have also won three of the last four presidential elections which is actually their best run of election wins since FDR and Harry Truman won five in a row from 1932-48. Many of us non-Americans are baffled why Trump is even allowed to run in this election at all. Why isn't he in prison for trying to overturn the 2020 result? Why isn't he in prison for inciting a mob to rampage through Congress? Why is a convicted felon allowed to run for president?

    1. Because there's nothing written down that says he can't, and disgracefully, his Party will not hold him to account. It's entirely possible he might be in jail in September as he as a sentencing (as of now). Sadly, nothing is written down that says he can't be president while in jail. Our Constitution is a bit musty and savage like Trump has taken full advantage. We need massive reforms and if we can get control of the Congress and the Presidency, I anticipate that change will come.

  2. My wife & I were thrilled & energized by last night's acceptance speech by Kamala Harris, as well as all that came before her. It's good to have a sense of real hope again - tempered by a resolve not to get complacent & overly confident too soon, and to get out every possible vote come election day. I do think that Democrats have learned something from the dreadful Trump years & will make every effort to win. But my fingers will be crossed right up to the time that the final results become undeniable & irrefutable.

    1. I just watched it this morning. I agree, this new breed of Democrat has been singed and they have learned that their opponents are not always (or even usually) honorable. It's an easy and lazy smear to say that politicians lie, and to some extent they do, but Democrats at least try to follow up on their promises.


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