An Attack Of Stupid!

From time to time, I shake my head and muse how my country can be so busted, that a loathsome figure like the "Tangerine Tojo" can still command so much support in the upcoming election? Maybe when those outlandish claims years ago about fluoride in the water supply weren't so crazy after all. Maybe decades of diminished capacity have now reached a critical mass moment and stupidity has become the greatest domestic product of these United States of America. 

And now the stupidest Ex-President ever has joined forces with the son of a political martyr from the one of the most famous families in these here United States, a man who claims worms ate his brain and who while returning from a bout of falconing,  just so happened to drop off a dead bear in Central Park creating a mild sensation and only copping to the prank this year. RFK Jr. is an eccentric attention-seeking crank regardless of your opinion about vaccinations. (The vaccination scare is the fluoride of the modern day.) Together with the hapless Vance who is floundering as the VP pick, the trio have become a sinkhole of stupidity which threatens to drag us down into an ancient past of dumb. 

I'm honestly bewildered sometimes how a random comment or insult by these mopes is either forgiven or adapted but ultimately swallowed by their slavish minions. But they seem to want to believe the most insane things, stuff which will help them make sense of a wild and crazy world that often as not kicks you in the balls. They apparently feel forgotten and disregarded, yet they have chosen a leader who is utterly disinterested in their problems. And now he's picked a pair of sidekicks who openly resent them. 

A Republican victory this year will mean a turning back of the clock in America to the "Gilded Age" when a handful of rich oligarchs wandered the planet with impunity and the rest of the folks just had to be happy with their meager lots in life. Women under these savages will only have worth in so much as they are capable of bearing children and continuing the line as the world marches relentlessly to some poorly understood rapture when the sheep are swept from the Earth and us goats are left to fight for scraps. That's what it means to be part of a "Christian Nation", one guided by dopes who have barely read the sacred text they claim as idol as much or more than text. 

Whatever the case, the world will be better off when this triad of terrible ideas is well and truly kicked to the curb and new minds take the stage and build a world for tomorrow for everyone. We need to reignite the "Enlightenment", and place reason and science in the lead once more. At this point, religion is not showing us the way forward, but only holding us back. Fight the stupid!

Rip Off


  1. Do you know the song Gimme Hope Jo'anna by Eddy Grant? It was released in 1988 and it was about the apartheid regime in South Africa at the time. Anyway on YouTube The Marsh Family have made a brilliant parody called Gimme Hope Kamala - some of the comments underneath the video suggest it should be the Democrats' campaign song and I agree!

    1. I can't see why not. I sent it to my daughter. She'll love it.


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