Go Joe! Go Joe!

I have spent more than a few minutes the past two weeks, ever since Joe Biden's less than impressive debate performance fuming. Not because Joe performed poorly. That often happens to incumbents in a first debate, so often that scheduling the debate this early was a strategy to get that one out of the way. At least that's what I suspect. The debate would be mostly forgotten now save members of my own party keep bringing it up. No, I'm fuming because some members of the leadership of the Democratic Party and some allies have been spending the days since the debate calling for Joe to drop out. No calls for the larcenous, lying, sociopathic, sex pervert and felon in the cremains of the Republican Party to drop out! No, the Dems are saving their ammunition for their own guy! The devout long-time legislator, loyal Vice-President, devoted husband and loving father, and successful first-term President is the one they've targeted. And it's all because he's had the great fortune to have lived four score and more. Outrageous! 

Joe has said repeatedly and forcefully he will not drop out. He's the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party which just completed an extensive series of primary elections to determine that very fact. He has won all those primaries and assembled more than enough delegates to win the nomination. I voted for Joe myself. I got out of my house, drove to the polls and voted for Joe in a state in which the primary is the only election he will win in my lifetime. My state is ruby red and my vote this fall for Joe, which I will cast at the earliest opportunity, will be a cry in the wilderness. But it's still my vote and I'm damned if my own party will take it away. The Republicans have been doing that in various ways for some years now. Stealing one of Obama's Supreme Court choices was robbing me of my vote. And now a bunch of Left-leaning pundits and celebrities want to light cigars find and in a smoke-filled room pick a candidate they'd prefer. 


Joe Biden is the going to be nominee of the Democratic Party and if many of my own party leaders can quit stepping their own dicks, we might just win the Presidency and save this democracy here, and order in the free world for a few more precious years. 

And here's a special note to any advertisers out there.  I am no longer watching any television show which wastes time murmuring about the health of my President. Nor am I apt to return if they don't stop crapping the bed on that topic pretty much immediately. 

To put it bluntly -- Shut the Fuck Up! 

Rip Off 


  1. I agree that just because Biden forgets a few things now and then doesn't make him incapable of being President and it's Trump who seems mentally unstable to me but I suppose those Democrats who want Biden to stand down are worried that age could become an issue like it did for Ronald Reagan and Bob Dole. The age issue didn't stop Reagan getting re-elected but he did start to develop dementia while still in office. If Biden intends to carry on with his re-election campaign he'll have to accept that the criticism of his age won't go away because that's really the only thing the Republicans have to attack him with. On the plus side Trump is no spring chicken either so hopefully Biden's age will seem much less important considering Trump is 78 himself.

    1. One of the biggest advantages the Dems have in this coming election is the power of incumbency. Kicking out Joe robs them of that advantage. He's the only politician who has beaten Trump for sure. He is liked by most of the country and respected by more. He's qualified and he's proven he can do the job. I cannot get over their fear of age. If they wanted him out before now, they had a chance to run against him in the primaries, but they didn't. It's anti-democratic to back-room a new candidate, who will look much weaker twenty-four hours after he or she is announced. Foolish and it needs to stop. The other guy is a psycho, and we all know it. What's the choice?

  2. The problem our side has is we spend too much time worrying about what is best for the country at the expense of winning elections. I know whom I won't be voting for: The convicted felon who committed some of his criminal acts while seated at the Resolute Desk.

    1. The options are so clear to me. I cannot understand why people dither about it. Either you support a good man and excellent President or you support a sex-offending felon who was one of the worst Presidents in history, if not the worst.


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