There will come a reckoning. It's easy to get mired in the avalanche of daily news as we watch barbarians attack our society from inside the walls. We let them in and they are all about tearing it down so that enemy at our gates can plunder and pillage at his ease. It's easy to get overcome with all that. But there's also this.
There will come a reckoning. We will survive this and using the lessons learned rebuild and modernize our society so as to better protect ourselves from these predations. Future villains will find it harder to penetrate the refreshed and quickened civic defenses we will construct. But until that day.
There will come a reckoning. And when it does come, these enemies we see so pumped up with power this minute will face justice, prison and more besides. Their shabby icon is old and will soon shuffle off this mortal coil. When he does at long last or even before.
There will come a reckoning. The great American experiment is not over, and this testing time will only make us stronger.
"Bloodless"? Good luck with that Kevin. I hope you're right. But just because there will be a second revolution, doesn't mean you're going to win it. And always remember, you guys picked this fight.
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In your post on the morning of November 6th you seemed very depressed and you were predicting the end of the United States so it's heartening to see you're in fighting mood again!
ReplyDeleteI am in a fighting mood. The shock that America had done that to itself again was hard to swallow. But after some downtime I'm up and running again. The resistance is growing daily and I'm trying to do my tiny bit here to reflect it.
ReplyDeleteI think that the United States will have to settle into a world order in which it's not the dominant. Even when this monster is put down, we need to reorganize our society in ways to make this kind of attack less likely.