We're in the fight of our lifetimes. The current darkness brought on by the regime of evil Republicans and weak Democrats marks a grim time indeed for the great experiment known as the United States of the America. But out of his darkness perhaps we can achieve some clarity of purposes and for the first time in decades unite the power of the people to unseat the all-too-comfortable rich who seem to imagine they are better than their peers. It happened in the 30's when the Great Depression demanded changes to the fundamental structures of our society. We are reaching that moment in time again when profound change is required.
The UNFTR Podcast has outlined five pillars for Progressives going forward as we reconstruct our society to make it better for our children and those generations beyond that. These are aspirational but not unobtainable ideas from which a revived Progressive movement will not be shaken. These are the five "Non-Negotiables" for us to insist upon.
To read thoughtful extensive essays laying out these concepts and goals in detail just click on the links for each pillar or non-negotiable. But let me add a few words of my own.
In a society which has built in so many structural limits to achieving even a modicum of success for most people, having a home to return to after a long day is a minimal expectation. No one should be forced live in cars or on the streets. And homelessness must never ever be considered a crime. The homeless we have in our country point to the failure of policies both conservative and liberal. The status quo is unacceptable and must be changed.
Having a job in the coming years is going to be harder and harder for many as robots slowly but steadily take over jobs which in times past were sufficient to maintain a home. The vast wealth which has accumulated at the top of our society has been built on the backs of laborers who have gotten a decreasing share of that wealth. Idealistically a job should not in most cases give meaning to a life, but still a people need to be engaged with the society they are part of.
Healthcare is a right and not a privilege. Changing the healthcare system in this country is the easiest pillar to achieve. Single payer healthcare solves nearly all the problems which afflict the delivery of health care in this country. It improves the quality and streamlines the delivery in such a way as to maximize the effort of those doctors and nurses and others who work diligently to keep up safe from our habits and the rigors of time. God knows there's more than enough money flowing through the system to keep everyone happy.
Standing in the way of achieving all of these non-negotiables is the fourth one -- election integrity. I have watched for forty years now as the American political system has become increasingly corrupt. The rich want to own the rest of us and to that end they have purchased politicians and jurists, often in plain sight. Conservative politicians have hidden behind a veil of false comity to obscure the fact that what they want for their paymasters are de facto slaves. By buying media, the rich have successfully gulled too many into believing that their vote doesn't matter. They have rigged systems in state after state to make voting difficult. In a word, they cheat. We need to knock over the board and begin the game again.
And beyond all of this is the world we live upon. Humanity has driven itself mad with hubris and has taken for granted life on this precious ball. (Eat it Flat-Earthers -- it is a globe.) We think we are mighty because in several millennia we have eked out a society. But the Earth can wipe all of human progress away in a few tragic moments. The planet we live on has given us great gifts, gifts we have consumed with little regard to the future. We are due for a reset. Mother Nature is not angry, she doesn't even care that we exist.
But that's enough for now. This is a long game. It almost certainly will not be won completely in my lifetime, but that's not a reason to fight the fight. We can surely deliver some immediate victories if we remain firm, focused and united. The war is just beginning, actually I now see it has never ended.
Note: This is a revised and updated post.
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