Join The Rebellion!
I'm not quite sure when this realization hit me, but I have joined the rebellion. The United States of America has well and truly become the "Evil Empire" if that empire were led by a numbskull and his soft-handed billionaire cronies. But nonetheless I find myself in opposition to my national government, which has taken ridiculous and dangerous national and international positions. The U.S. as imagined by its felonious "leader" is a satellite of Russia. It's been all too clear to those who wish to see that our Idiot-in-Chief is beholden to the Russian leader Putin. Whether he was collected as an asset in the late 1980's or merely is a "useful idiot" of more recent vintage, the result is largely the same.
Like Luke's Uncle Owen in that galaxy far, far away I mostly just wish to be left alone. But the Empire won't leave me alone. Clearly, they seem to want to weaken the United States, the very nation they have sworn an oath to serve. But they forget a few things. The U.S. is not like other countries for the most part. We are actually fifty states, all with a level of independence guaranteed them by the Constitution. If you scrape the federal system clean of its workforce, it will only fall to the states to pick up that slack. The confederation of states will weaken, and the power that results from such a confederation will vanish. The powers which have captured our capitol might well find themselves confronting fifty "Ukraines", each determined to restore civil order.
At some point it feels pretty clear to me that the Empire will attempt to impose some measure of martial law and deploy troops into the very territories of the United States itself. That is if the morons don't get too fascinated with an invasion of the Panama Canal or some such misadventure. If and when that occurs it will mark the end of any shred of any validity the Empire might claim and will shatter the loyalty which gives them their power to begin with. Like Luke and eventually even Han more and more will join the rebellion. These are dark times, but the victorious outcome is inevitable. The nation will stand again.
With luck today I and my partner will be able to participate in a protest march at Frankfort, the state capitol of Kentucky. It is one march of fifty simultaneous marches across the country arranged by the 50501 outfit, to show widespread solidarity in objecting to the unseemly behaviors and unconstitutional actions of the current administration. I've got an arthritic knee doctors keep wanting to take out and neuropathy that makes walking a chore and the weather might not cooperate, but nonetheless I feel the need and the desire to participate in this small expression of my displeasure.
If you'd like to join the rebellion, if only for a day here's a link that will help you find a protest.
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