Public Enemies!

The recent killing of the CEO of United Healthcare has created quite a stir in the country. One wonders why, since with thanks to Republicans and the NRA there are at least as many guns as people in the United States. In point of fact the statistic is one and a half guns per individual. With that kind of armament available why is anyone surprised when anyone is killed. Well, it's because folks like Brian Thompson are supposed to be above the fray, well hidden behind stacks of cash which allow them to live apart from the rabble which make their lifestyles possible. 

But what is even more amazing is the reaction across the country to his murder. This man was shot down in cold blood on a city street and most Americans find it funny. That's profoundly sad on one hand, but strangely revealing about the state of the nation on the other. There was another time when Americans in masse rooted for villains. It was during the great Depression when villains like Bonny and Clyde, Pretty Boy Floyd, Baby Face Nelson and John Dillinger were marauding across the heartland of these United States robbing banks and sometime killing cops and the occasional civilian. 

Banks and bankers were seen the real villains, as farms were foreclosed in many areas and in general life was rough and tough. These gangsters were thrilling for a typical citizen whose life was drudgery, with little sign of immediate improvement. The gangsters were seen as people who took action in the face of despair, who took control of their lives, though admittedly those lives were short. I think we are seeing the same thing play out here. 

People don't care why some young man killed the head of a giant health insurance company which is infamous for jerking its clients around and forbidding necessary care, they just are pleased that finally someone, somewhere is taking action. There is a tipping point in any culture when people will rise up and take action. As wrong-headed as the January 6th, 2021 Insurrection was, it pointed to this same unease. When these folks get a pardon from the new President of the United States (himself a convicted criminal) early next year, the message will be heard that taking personal even criminal action is effective at least in part. Laws are for suckers and losers. Leaders who fail to heed these messages better keep their heads down. People will only eat "cake" for so long. 

Rip Off


  1. Sorry to nitpick but the January 6th insurrection was in 2021 not 2020.

    Here in the UK it was the CEO's killer's good looks that seemed to mostly interest the press. His photo appeared on the front pages of newspapers accompanied by headlines like THE HANDSOME MURDERER etc.

    Do you know the song MA BAKER by Boney M? It reached #2 in the UK singles chart in 1977 and it's based on the life of the American gangster Ma Barker. I don't know why the song is called Ma Baker rather than Ma Barker but it's one of Boney M's best songs if you haven't heard it.

    1. Thanks for the correction. I don't know why I do that, but it's not the first time. That song was new to me, I think. The video sure was. Thanks.


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