A Balanced Approach!

What few readers I might have here might have noticed that I've slacked off here in more recent weeks. The reason it two-fold. I firmly believe that Kamela Harris and Tim Walz will win in November and that the world will be spared a second Trump administration. The other is that keeping close tabs on the give and take of the election is actively bad for my health. To say that the outrageous behavior of Trump and his lackeys enrages me is to put it mildly. These people are planning to steal the Presidency, but I am confident that there are people prepared to forestall that outcome. I have to believe that. 

The folks who care for me want me to consider my health above other concerns and I respect their wishes. So, if the posts are fewer than this summer, don't think I've given up. I'm just taking precautions. I have to balance my desire to engage the political world with the need to stay healthy. Wish me luck. Wish us all luck, that in a few weeks this nightmare will begin to be over. 

Rip Off


  1. I know exactly how you feel as I'm not even American but the thought of Trump winning is too depressing to think about. In 2016 I followed the US election very closely and I remember reading plenty of online articles explaining why Trump definitely wouldn't win so in 2020 and again this year I've kept my distance as much as possible from the US election coverage. Many of us non-Americans can't understand why that creature isn't in prison by now. I remember the 1988 primaries when Gary Hart's campaign ended after his dalliance with some floozy which seems so quaint now compared to Trump who is an actual convicted felon and who tried to organise a coup to stay in power after losing an election, it just beggars belief. What has happened to America? How can a moral degenerate like Trump lead the West? Anyway your health is obviously much more important than getting stressed about this election so don't feel the need to write any politics posts if you can't face it - your normal Dojo posts will do fine :)


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