Gone To The Dogs!

I've had it with Sweet Potato Hitler's rampage against the Ohio town of Springfield. He and his toady Vance have left their dog whistles behind and are now repeating and embellishing the most absurd notions in order to demean an entire population, one they almost certainly know nothing about. Trump has long hated black people, and it bubbles to the surface as he struggles desperately to gain the White House and avoid the "Big House". The "Satanic Panic" which this is becoming, is a repeated trope in  America's history, and here we go again. Demonize a population based on nonsensical rumors and make yourself the dragon slayer come to save us all. That's the play, and it's working all too well so far thanks once again to our lackluster media who feel the obsequious need to repeat every idiotic word that comes out of the mouths of these detestable men. Vance has even admitted it's a hoax, and that would've been enough to demolish any campaign other than one topped by Tangerine Tojo. Lying is not a bug, it's a feature of this outfit. We are weeks away from a vote which will rid us of this noxious fiend. He won't go away instantly I know, but when all participants see the end has come at last, the energy will fade quickly I believe. These monsters will go back into hiding to some extent waiting for the next chance to screw up our lives with their stupidity. And the folks in Springfield can get on with their lives, as can we all. 

Rip Off 


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