
Showing posts from September, 2024

And That's How You Do That!

The first (and likely last) Presidential debate went down last night, and Kamela Harris mopped up the floor with the Tangerine Tojo. She was calm, collected and drove home the points that anyone with any savvy already knows -- Donald Trump is yesterday's news, a washed-up TV celebrity who needs to head back home and prepare for his prison stays. (Or his transition to life in Venezuela.) It was a masterful presentation. If she and her running mate Tim Walz don't win the election after this performance and the campaign they've run, then we no longer need to be even the shell of a functioning democracy. Trump is a tired old racist and his running mate is fucking Nazi. Such types cannot be allowed to run this country, and in a very few weeks they will lose their last chance to do so for many years to come. The United States will move forward and not look back. The future looks bright. But we have to win. And we will.   Rip Off