Court Of Fouls!

The United States hasn't gotten screwed quickly. The Supreme Court has been chipping away at liberty for a few decades now, pretty much about the same time when John Robert became Chief Justice. The scheme seems to be to use the Constitution against itself, corrupting its clear intent and make the world safe for corporations and Caucasians. 

Let's just start in this century (Roberts was not yet the head of the court) with Bush V. Gore, when the Supreme Court awarded the 2000 Presidential election to George Bush despite the fact that history has shown than Al Gore actually won. The bizarre interplay between the branches of United States government took a turn that day. It led to a year of a President who lacked authenticity, and if not for the tragic intervention of 9-11, it's a tension that would've continued. But that attack on the nation melded the populace but sadly allowed the creation of the Patriot Act which increased the state's ability to scrutinize the people. It also led to the war in Iraq which was perpetrated by the Bush administration under an umbrella of lies. 

The next body blow to the union came in 2010 with Citizens United V FEC which decided bizarrely that corporations were people and deserving of First Amendment rights of free speech and that money equaled speech and as such no limit could be realistically maintained. For all practical purposes legitimized bribery and our Congress has been largely corrupted since. One can obviously argue the corruption was already in place, but this just made it easier and put campaign spending on steroids. It made it even more difficult for folks of even moderate means to run for office without personal wealth for a sugar daddy of some sort. That's why we have a congress full of millionaires. 

Dobbs V Jackson Women's Health Organization in 2022 stripped women of full citizenship as it reduced them to second class citizens in many states in the nation when the court decided to say a woman did not have a Constitutional right to control her body and full control of her reproduction rights. This decision was made by Justices who perjured themselves to get a seat on the Court. This decision was made by Justices who got those seats by Congressional thievery and failure of basic civic fairness. 

The Court decided that racism was over and rescinded the limitations on certain states instituted decades before by the sweeping Civil Rights Act of 1964 because of rampant racist practices limiting the right to vote for people of color. Those practices returned within hours of the decision. It seems racism wasn't quite as dead as they thought. There is even talk of rescinding Brown Vs. Board of Education which ended segregation in American schools. And just this past month we have had a barrage of bad decisions. 

But it's Relentless V. Department of Commerce and Loper Bright Enterprises V.  Raimondo in which the court reversed its forty-year precedent called the Chevron Deference which allowed for federal agencies to use expertise to best operate in a wide range of areas such as education particularly in education for special-needs education, food and water safety, labor safety and work rules, and environmental protection among a gigantic range of others. We will be subject to the kindness of the overlords to make sure our food and water are not poisonous and that we might get a break at work now again, forgetting completely that a raise might be coming. But on the other hand, I've heard that this might be an opportunity for more liberal approaches to break through using the courts. The battle is on. 

This court also reversed upheld some city ordinances and boldly announced it was illegal to sleep outside, making homelessness a crime. Cities and towns can now arrest the homeless and fine them for not having a roof over their head. These authorities are no longer required even to supply an alternative, save jail. They have decided that homelessness and poverty are a sin and crime, and jail is the way to punish such slackers. Never mind that supplying shelters is much, much cheaper than putting everyone in jail. As Jesus said the poor will always be among us, but in America now you can arrest their ass. Christian values win again. 

And on the last day of the session this summer, mere days before the celebration of the Fourth of July, the Supreme Court manufactured a loathsome edict in the aptly named Trump V. United States, one which gave nigh full immunity to the President of the United States, elevating the office holder above his fellow citizens, making him a de facto king. It's early days yet, but worst-case scenario is that they have possibly dissolved the union, creating a dictator who will over the course of time strip-mine the government, corrupt international alliances, and imprison and assault its former citizens. The best case-scenario is that the evil will be seen for what it is, creating a tidal wave of votes which will forestall for a time the attackers and give the union more time to defend itself and root out the traitors. An expansion of court would return balance and sanity to the institution and let new cases rise and reverse these hideous attempts to co-opt the nation and brutalize the citizenry. Joe Biden has put forth reforms, now we need just win the election to begin to roll this travesty back. 

It ain't over. They think it is. They think they've already won perhaps. They are about to learn a very hard lesson. 

Rip Off


  1. Homelessness is now a crime in America?? Good grief, I didn't realise the US Supreme Court was THAT bad. In the UK we have a Supreme Court but British citizens can also appeal to the European Court Of Human Rights (ECHR) based in Strasbourg which has the power to change the law in countries which have signed the European Convention On Human Rights (that's every European country except Russia and Belarus). For example in 1999 the ECHR ruled that the UK government was acting illegally by banning gay people from joining the British armed forces so the UK government had to change the law immediately. There are right-wing UK politicians who want to leave the ECHR but our new Labour government definitely won't do so. I'm glad to say that I completely trust our own British judges and the ECHR judges but I'm appalled by the corrupt, right-wing judges in the US Supreme Court.

    1. The Supreme Court has given that power to towns and cities at their discretion. Shameful. It's hideously close to workhouses and such. It's the notion that poverty is a sin, despite Jesus saying just the opposite. The poor are more righteous, so one would think God-fearing folks would welcome the chance to be near such glorious people. Not so much it seems.

  2. Thanks for posting all of this in sequential order, Rip. Each of those travesties is disturbing & dangerous, but to see them listed one after another really makes clear the threat to democracy that's been creeping steadily forward for decades now. That slow creeping has enabled too many to normalize what should be seen as the authoritarian project that it is & has always been.

    I'm not sure if you can find it on YouTube, but there's an episode of Mr. Novak from the early 1960s called "The Tender Twigs" that's about a right-wing journalist/agitator (brilliantly portrayed by Rober Culp). In this episode, Culp's character accuses one of the high school teachers of being a communist sympathizer, harassing not only the teacher, but his family at home & the high school itself. This leads to an open debate at the school in which Culp's character is defeated - but he isn't fazed by it. His final lines are (from memory), "Well done. You won this round. But there's something you'll never understand about us. We never give up. We never quit. And we never get tired." An ambiguous, unsettling conclusion to an episode some 60 years old now, but just as timely as ever. The past 60 years have proven the truth of his statement, alas.

    1. Grim stuff. I will seek it out. All too often Liberals (who rebranded themselves as Progressives to escape Conservative outrage) have thought the battle was rhetorical. But action is required. Not violent action necessarily, but action. A nasty meme might win the minute and warm the heart, but it won't win the conflict. White Conservatives have seen that within only a handful of years, they will be an even tinier minority in a nation made up of peoples from all sorts of places on the globe. They still want to rule as they have since the beginning of the country. They will ultimately lose that struggle, but it's going to take longer than it should in a fair world.


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