A Day In The Anti-Life - Health Scares
[The message was originally posted at the now defunct Rip Jagger's Dojo on July 29, 2017] The failure of Republicans to abolish Obamacare "root and branch" as had been long promised for years to their legions, has been an amazing spectacle. There's a lot of blame to sling about and for sure the chattering classes are up and at it, with the devoted Trumpians attaching little blame for the failure to their savior despite his incessant promises to offer up something much much better and apparently overlooking the small detail that he discovered after winning office and actually engaging one or two of the details of actual policy that health care was "hard". Still he's off the hook it seems and is apparently willing to let poor folks suffer yet again to make the point that he was right all along. The health care bills which were put forth failed because they had as their primary reason to exist an attempt to claw back taxes. They failed as he...