
The Powers Of Nature!

We have witnessed what becomes of our meager civilization when the natural world is roused. Monstrous hurricanes have ravaged the much of the Southern United States. Florida has been hit a few times and even the mountains of western North Carolina have proven to unsafe from these new more powerful storms. It's not unprecedented but it's extraordinarily rare and that rarity is what is changing. But what can we do but batten down the hatches and hold on. It's probably too late to stop the engine of climate change now that it's chugging along.  We could stop lying to ourselves, but that's unlikely as well.  Without doubt, other than profound loss of life and horrific damage these storms will create, the greatest victim has been the truth. Yet again we see a presumptive "leader" of our society use tragedy as opportunity and lie to help himself by damaging his rivals. And then his toadies echo his lies. What is lost in this exchange, is that we are all victims

A Balanced Approach!

What few readers I might have here might have noticed that I've slacked off here in more recent weeks. The reason it two-fold. I firmly believe that Kamela Harris and Tim Walz will win in November and that the world will be spared a second Trump administration. The other is that keeping close tabs on the give and take of the election is actively bad for my health. To say that the outrageous behavior of Trump and his lackeys enrages me is to put it mildly. These people are planning to steal the Presidency, but I am confident that there are people prepared to forestall that outcome. I have to believe that.  The folks who care for me want me to consider my health above other concerns and I respect their wishes. So, if the posts are fewer than this summer, don't think I've given up. I'm just taking precautions. I have to balance my desire to engage the political world with the need to stay healthy. Wish me luck. Wish us all luck, that in a few weeks this nightmare will begi

What Me One Hundred?

Former President Jimmy Carter is 100 years old today. A remarkable feat for anyone, especially a man who saw the stress of four years in the White House. That has to shave off at least a few years. Carter came into office in the wake of Watergate. He was the Democratic answer to a Republican problem. (Sound familiar?) He came to Washington as a successful governor of Georgia and brought with him a team which took some time to find its footing in the White House. Not unlike Barrack Obama he had some difficulty finagling with Congress, especially in a time mired in a lackluster economy. But he was the man who brokered the first peace agreement between Israel and Egypt. He saw the future and knew that coal and oil were the energy source of the past. I often imagine what the world might have been like for Americans if we had as a nation embraced the changes Carter sought. He was the President who truly brought the Vietnam War to an end when he pardoned those who had escaped the clutches of

Thrills And Chills!

The election this year is one of those thrill rides that can really tear your guts up, if you let it. I have chosen to ignore it as much as possible, which is I do have to consider it at least once a day when I clear off my many pleas from the Harris and Walz campaign for more of my dollars. I've adopted a policy of donating once a week, usually small sum but once a larger one in the name of my departed wife, something she'd have approved heartily.  I live in Kentucky, a state in which no real electioneering goes on since it's a foregone conclusion that Trump will carry the state. This is a sad commentary on the Commonwealth, a state which was Democratic largely when I was a youth, but sadly turned red in those dark Reagan years. I do see cracks in that hegemony this time around, and we have been graced with a Democratic governor who kept us from the brink during the Covid years and was even considered for the VP pick this year.  So, from this vantage point, money is the wa

Gone To The Dogs!

I've had it with Sweet Potato Hitler's rampage against the Ohio town of Springfield. He and his toady Vance have left their dog whistles behind and are now repeating and embellishing the most absurd notions in order to demean an entire population, one they almost certainly know nothing about. Trump has long hated black people, and it bubbles to the surface as he struggles desperately to gain the White House and avoid the "Big House". The "Satanic Panic" which this is becoming, is a repeated trope in  America's history, and here we go again. Demonize a population based on nonsensical rumors and make yourself the dragon slayer come to save us all. That's the play, and it's working all too well so far thanks once again to our lackluster media who feel the obsequious need to repeat every idiotic word that comes out of the mouths of these detestable men. Vance has even admitted it's a hoax, and that would've been enough to demolish any campaig

And That's How You Do That!

The first (and likely last) Presidential debate went down last night, and Kamela Harris mopped up the floor with the Tangerine Tojo. She was calm, collected and drove home the points that anyone with any savvy already knows -- Donald Trump is yesterday's news, a washed-up TV celebrity who needs to head back home and prepare for his prison stays. (Or his transition to life in Venezuela.) It was a masterful presentation. If she and her running mate Tim Walz don't win the election after this performance and the campaign they've run, then we no longer need to be even the shell of a functioning democracy. Trump is a tired old racist and his running mate is fucking Nazi. Such types cannot be allowed to run this country, and in a very few weeks they will lose their last chance to do so for many years to come. The United States will move forward and not look back. The future looks bright. But we have to win. And we will.   Rip Off

An Attack Of Stupid!

From time to time, I shake my head and muse how my country can be so busted, that a loathsome figure like the "Tangerine Tojo" can still command so much support in the upcoming election? Maybe when those outlandish claims years ago about fluoride in the water supply weren't so crazy after all. Maybe decades of diminished capacity have now reached a critical mass moment and stupidity has become the greatest domestic product of these United States of America.  And now the stupidest Ex-President ever has joined forces with the son of a political martyr from the one of the most famous families in these here United States, a man who claims worms ate his brain and who while returning from a bout of falconing,  just so happened to drop off a dead bear in Central Park creating a mild sensation and only copping to the prank this year. RFK Jr. is an eccentric attention-seeking crank regardless of your opinion about vaccinations. (The vaccination scare is the fluoride of the modern